Liz Lin
Liz was born in Perth, grew up in Shanghai until age 3, and then moved to Sydney, where she grew up and is now based. Liz loved performing ever since she created her own shows and put them on for her parents in her living room at age 5. However, being the daughter of Chinese immigrants, she was discouraged from pursuing a career in the arts.
Liz excelled in academics, and followed the ‘conventional’ path for many years: attending an academically selective high school and attending university to complete a combined Bachelors of Commerce and Information Systems.
However, in her final year at University, Liz decided that this path was not right for her and found the courage to pursue her true passion in the performing arts. Through acting and story-telling, Liz hopes to help people feel heard and accepted, and empower them to dream big and shoot for the stars.
Liz is fluent in Mandarin Chinese.
Her recent credits include: Women in Refrigerators (dir. Kezia Holland); Deep Pockets, Empty Hearts (dir. Alessia Francischiello); Old Who vs. New Who (dir. Martin Theobald); Bai (dir. Ethan Vallejo-Meijer).
For more information about any of our 2020 Ensemble members please contact The HubStudio directly on (02) 9212 05622 or
Screen Test
2020 Sydney Ensemble Actors