1. You have not only acted on screen but you’ve also taken on the role of producer, director, and writer. Which position have you enjoyed the most or are currently interest in pursuing further?
Outside of acting, I would love to direct more. I can write, but I wouldn’t consider myself a writer. Realistically I’m looking for a writing partner I gel with, but this type of creative partnership can be difficult to find. In terms of directing I do feel drawn to it. I think I have a good ability to see how a story is constructed and from the experience I’ve had in casting and in coaching actors I’ve developed an understanding for communicating with actors, how to guide them and also when to trust them. The irony being that I have spent much of my time as an actor trying to turn off my directors brain to be more present in scenes.
Takaya in The Family Law
2. Out of all of the characters you have played which is your personal favourite and why?
I don’t really rank my characters like that. They all are a part of me so to rank them would be to rank parts of myself. I have fun playing all of them and I love the opportunities I get to switch between different ones – it reassures me that I do actually do something different with them (after playing one character for a while it feels like the line between you and the character gets blurry when in reality stepping into the character just becomes easier and easier).
Takaya in Neighbours
3. Do you have any exciting upcoming projects that you would like to talk about?!
There is some great stuff coming up for David on Neighbours and some things that I hope will create some public discussion which is exciting and there are some very positive rumours about Season 3 of The Family Law. Without confirming anything I will say that I would be very shocked if Season 3 wasn’t on SBS in 2018 when they are broadcasting Season 1 and 2 on SBS OnDemand until August next year ;).
4. Could you please describe your time at the HubStudio? What class you took? How it influenced/helped you in any way?
The Hub is a fantastic place for any actor to hone there skills. I certainly wouldn’t be where I am without having taken up courses at the Hub. I worked with Les Chantery for many years, did courses with Kevin Jackson and Linda Nicholls-Gidley and took advantage of the social nights, play reads and tickets to main stage shows as much as I could. Oli and Nat have created the perfect playground for the actor to not only improve but push their boundaries and make available opportunities for them to create as well. I was fortunate enough to hold some of my own courses there in association with The Hub and The Hub was so helpful in facilitating that. I tell any actor looking for advice, to check them out and see what courses tickle their fancy as they are all well worth it.
Takaya in the ABC’s Playschool
5.) Becoming an Alzheimer’s Ambassador.
I am also an Ambassador for Alzheimer’s Australia and September is Alzheimer’s Awareness month so I implore everyone to check in with someone that they know who has a loved one suffering from the awful disease and make them feel that they are not alone.
Read the Courier Mail article on Takaya’s own experience with Alzheimer’s here. To learn more about Alzheimer’s Awareness Month visit Fighting Dementia.org here
Takaya Honda is currently playing David Tanaka in Channel Ten’s Neighbours as well as Klaus Thompson on the award winning The Family Law for the SBS, whilst juggling time as a presenter on the legendary children’s program Playschool.
You can view his full credit list here at Imdb, and other details over at Showcast here.
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