Jeremy Waters
1. You’re currently involved in producing the play “The Rolling Stone” – tell us a bit about the experience and your involvement.
I read the play a couple of years ago and, immediately, knew I wanted to produce it. It is set against a background of anti- gay violence in Uganda. There are parts of the world where your sexuality can get you killed. This was a sobering reminder after the hard-won advances in gay rights we enjoy here in Oz. However, the plebiscite on gay marriage in Australia revealed some disturbing pockets of homophobia that were lying just beneath the surface of our own turf. So, it felt like a timely and important story to tell. The fact that the playwright, Chris Urch, told the story with such intelligence, wit, humanity and drama had me hooked on the play.
2. What has been your favourite project/piece of work of your career so far?
I have loved all of the productions I’ve worked on with Outhouse. I must admit that I have an especially deep affection for the work of Annie Baker.
3. Which project challenged you the most or did you learn form the most?
The current one- The Rolling Stone. Telling a story with such massive stakes- life and death- in a country and culture far removed from my own has brought numerous challenges and lessons to learn.
4. Do you have any other recent past projects or roles coming up that you want to tell us about?
Watch this space. There are some exciting plans for Outhouse in 2019.
5. If you could give our Hubsters one piece of advice what would it be?
Be a participant. Find the work that most resonates with you and make it.
6. Tell us about your time/ association with The Hub and how you think it has impacted you professionally.
I had lived overseas for a good chunk of time so was out of the loop when I got back. The Hub helped me re-connect with local creatives and the wider arts community. The workshops, classes and readings I did there helped me sharpen and develop my skills. It’s a stimulating, lively and welcoming place and I’m really glad I walked in the door.
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