Rick Radalj
Rick Radalj is an Australian actor located in Perth
His passion started in the backyard of a working class household. Dressing up in costumes handed down by his older cousins. It would transport him into imaginative worlds along with his sister and family friends, which they performed shows and musicals in front of reluctant parents.
Attending a few community theatres throughout early primary school, he soon became more focused toward sports as his school didn’t have a great art programs. His love of the arts was revived towards the later years of primary school and throughout high school after he changed schools and attended a Steiner school. In which he would perform in theatre shows each year until he graduated in 2018.
Having no idea what he would peruse as a career, he went backpacking after graduating, through parts of Europe for a few months in hope of discovering what path to choose in the next faze of life. After arriving back home, made the decision to give acting a go, and he hasn’t looked back since. Being an extra in a student film called ‘Shattered’.
For more information about any of our 2020 Ensemble members please contact The HubStudio directly on (02) 9212 05622 or info@thehubstudio.com.au
Screen Test
2020 Perth Ensemble Actors