1. Tell us a bit about your upcoming role in American Beauty Shop.
American Beauty Shop is a heartfelt play about the true cost of dreams for a group of brave women in challenging circumstances; Mid-West America, post 2008 global-financial crisis is the backdrop. I play Meg, a tough yet devoted single mother doing what she has to just to get by. It is an all female cast, with diversity of both age and race.
Charmaine in American Beauty Shop @ KXT Kings Cross Theatre
2. What else is coming up for you/ or what else have you been working on recently?
It has been a busy year. I have done a few productions back to back; Doubt: A Parable at The Old Fitz, Mame at The Hayes, American Beauty Shop at KXT bAKEHOUSE and one other that is currently TBC. I also have 3 scripts that I have written, which are all in production.
3.Throughout your career what has been your favourite project/ piece of work?
It would have to be performing in Doubt: A Parable earlier this year at The Old Fitz. Dino Dimitriadis is a brilliant director, all my cast mates were phenomenal and the script was Pulitzer winning. Mrs Muller has always been on my list of dream roles to play, plus we got to enjoy a sold out season.
4.Do you have/have you had a ‘dream role’ or aspiration to work on a particular project?
Yes, I do – but I don’t want to say it incase I jinx it! #superstitiousmuch
5. If you could give our Hubsters a piece of advice, what would it be?
All the Hubsters I’ve met are incredibly talented and motivated, so would do just fine without my advice; but I think it’d be work stupid-hard and be patient.
6.Tell us about your time at The Hub and how you think it has impacted you professionally.
I’m a member at The Hub, which has been so handy as I can drop in to put down a self-tape, use the rehearsal space for my projects or check out one of the amazing classes; Nadia Townsend, Darren Gilshenan and Linda Nicholls-Gidley’s courses were all gamechangers for me. But most of all, it’s so great to have a space where people take their craft seriously – that energy and environment propels you.
Charmaine is a Theatre and Film actor represented by Smith & Jones Management. You can check out more of Charmaine’s credits and showreels on her website charmainebingwa.com
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